Expert insights into equipment health

Break down maintenance, sometimes known as ‘run to failure’, is a common strategy for bringing down costs. While useful in certain cases, its limitations make it a false economy for companies looking for a long-term competitive advantage. In today’s world, where even minor stoppages can be the difference between success and failure, it makes sense to keep key pieces of equipment fully functional and operating at their best. By regular and planned maintenance, equipment performance is preserved, and operations kept trouble-free and predictable. Prevent future issues in your plant with an Alfa Laval equipment audit. Our highly qualified Service Engineers with extensive equipment knowledge will help in identifying potential equipment problems, so that you can take proactive actions to avoid unexpected breakdowns, costly downtime and major losses in production.

Key benefits

  • Secured plant uptime and productivity
  • Prevention of safety issues
  • Optimized maintenance plans
  • Improved control of maintenance budgets
  • Increased equipment lifetime
  • Optimized performance


Equipment list

Plate heat exchangers

plate heat exchangers- small

Spiral welded heat exchangers

spiral - 640 - small

Compabloc welded plate heat exchangers


Decanter centrifuge

Decanter  640x360

Alfa Laval filters (ALF)

filters audit small

Freshwater generators


High speed centrifuge separators

seperator small

Food systems

food system health audit

Drum thickeners

drum thickness small

Expert insights into equipment health

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