2021-11-14 Product news
Standards and guidelines for heat exchangers in pharmaceutical water systems
In this on-demand webinar, our pharma experts will show you how you will have peace of mind with choosing the right and safe equipment.
Watch the webinar to get insights about:
• what different standards and guidelines, US FDA, ISPE, ASME BPE, say about heat exchangers for use in pharmaceutical grade water systems
• how Alfa Laval utilizes and sometimes goes beyond that guidance when designing and manufacturing heat exchangers for pharmaceutical water systems
• Alfa Laval's Pharma-line product portfolio including Pharma-line shell and tube series and our new point of use cooler, Pharma-line Point of Use
Per-Åke Olsson - Global Industry Manager for Pharma & Biotech
Amir Jahangiri - Global Product Manager for Pharma & Biotech Heat Exchangers