HWL - Hot water loop
For heating and circulation of hot water to the freshwater generator. Designed to secure continuous maximum freshwater´production, and to ensure constant temperature and flow, even when the engine is not running.
Modular, compact design
Flexibility in operation
Automatic operation
Prepared for pre-heating of the main engine or other equipment
Simple, low cost installation
Low space requirements
The correct amount of heating water at the correct temperature ensures maximum production of fresh water at all times
Reliable operation due to self-adjusting steam regulation equipment
Saves man hours, cost and installation of a pre-heater for the main engine or other equipment
How it works
The water in the Hot Water Loop is heated by means of steam. The amount of steam is regulated by a steam control valve, based on the set point of a temperature controller mounted in the hot water outlet line. A hot water pump ensures a constant flow to the Hot Water Loop heat exchanger, and makes recirculation possible when the engine is at low load or stopped. This pump must be running when the Hot Water Loop is used for engine preheating. A blinded flange connection makes it possible to connect the Hot Water Loop for various heating or preheating purposes.