Aalborg Mini 3-Pass
The Aalborg 3-Pass Mini boiler is a gas, LFO or dual fuel industrial boiler with a 0.5-2.5 ton/hour steam capacity and a design pressure up to 21 barg.
Having a capacity of 0.35-1.90 MW, the Aalborg 3-Pass Mini may be used for a hot
water application as well. This very compact boiler comes as a complete skid-mounted unit - ready to be installed. Designed and optimised with the total of Alfa Laval's technical
and innovative competencies in every detail - inside out.
Pressure parts
The heating surfaces are arranged symmetrically with the furnace in the centreline of the boiler to secure optimum water circulation. The reversal chamber is water cooled in order to reduce the refractory to a minimum and to ensure an optimum noise reduction. The pressure part builds on well documented design and production concepts. All pressure
parts are manufactured carefully in selected materials with high tensile steel. The Aalborg 3-Pass Mini boiler is designed according to the EN 12953 or ASME sect. I standards.
Control/security system
The control system/security system incorporates:
- Burner Management System with load and sequence control with starting sequence/safety interlocks and load control.
- Water level control and safety.
- Motor starter.
The Aalborg 3-Pass Mini comes with a Monobloc burner which may be used for gas and LFO or a combination hereof (dual fuel).
Easy installation
The boiler is mounted on a skid - ready to be plugged in. Supplied with ready-mounted burner, control panel, fittings and cables.
Compact design
The small foot-print makes the boiler easy to install.
Easy inspection and maintenance
All boiler connections/valves and inspection doors are located in such manner that they easily allow access for access for operation and maintenance.
Easy to clean
The smoke tubes are fast and easy to clean thanks to the low number of spiral tubes.
Uniform, high steam quality The boiler is designed with symmetric drawing, with stable and
uniform evaporation and suitable steam space ensuring a high saturated steam quality
Improved combustion The furnace design in conjunction with the burner ensures an
efficient combustion and low atmospheric emissions.
The Aalborg 3-Pass Mini comes with pressure part with insulation, Monobloc burner, feed water pump, on/off/ water level control, steam outlet, blow down and safety valves as well as control panel as standard. As optional extras, you may be supplied with a stand-by feed water pump, automatic blow-down valves, sample cooler, stack, feed water tank, blow-down tank, chemical dosing system as well feed water treatment equipment.
- Highly efficiency boiler
- Symmetric drawing, with stable and uniform evaporation
- Suitable steam space - high steam quality
- Low stress design - longer lifetime
- Spiral tubes - high heat transfer coefficient
- Spiral tubes - small footprint & easy cleaning
- Low emissions
- Based on well-proven and well-known design details from Aalborg 3-pass
- Easy maintenance and inspection
- High efficiency thermal insulation
Scope of supply
- Pressure part with insulation
- Monoblock burner – gas, light oil or gas/light oil
- Feed water system (one pump)
- On-off water level control
- Steam outlet, blow-down and safety valves
- Control panel
- Start-up/commissioning
- Stand-by feed water pump
- Automatic blow down valves
- Sample cooler
- Stack
- Feed water tank
- Blow down tank
- Chemical dosing system
- Feed water treatment

How it works

- Low weight and high efficiency thermal insulation in ceramic fiber with anti-abrasive coating
- Thermal insulation without steel supports. Less heating conduction and better insulation efficiency
- Lightweight cover, easy maintenance and inspection.
- Monobloc burner
- Tube plates and supports in one piece