An Alfa Laval condenser and reboiler is saving space at the Syzran oil refinery
Alfa Laval Compabloc condensers and reboilers take up very littlespace, so they were a natural contender when a new stripper towerwas required for the gas sweetening process at the Syzran oil refinery.
DATE 2023-11-28An Alfa Laval condenser and reboiler is saving space at the Syzran oil refinery
Inspection and cleaning are seldom required, but these tasks are made easy due to the minimal space requirements. Downtime is thus significantly reduced, compared with shell-and-tube units.
Compabloc reflux condenser mounted directly on the column.
The Alfa Laval Compabloc reboilers have been in operation since January 2002, and the general consensus of opinion at the Syzran refinery is that the Compabloc units work extremely well.
The Compabloc welded heat exchanger is probably the most compact and efficient heavy-duty heat exchanger in the world.
The decision to install the extremely compact Compabloc solution instead of traditional shell-and-tube units enabled YUKOS to save both money and space.
The Syzran oil refinery in Russia, run by the YUKOS Oil Company, has a capacity of 150,000 barrels of crude oil per day. When the plant was extended, Alfa Laval Compabloc reboiler and condenser units were installed instead of traditional shell-and-tube units.